Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to School. Back to Work.

Yes!!! Tomorrow I should already be attending my classes. 
I have to be better, I can't stay sick. I still have alot of shoots as well.


Documentary idea, please, please, please come to me, now I can't do the Bolex and super 16 anymore because of time constraints, and well, it is pricy. So, meaning to say, I have to change my concept because it won't fit anymore if I don't use film for it. Maybe its my temperature, maybe its my heart, maybe its my depression, maybe its just me. Of course, its me!

I want to do an experimental docu instead of a narrative one. But will I still be able to get the drama that Sir Nick wants? I'm not into drama. What if there is no drama? Why should there be drama? This is occupying my brain and eating up alot of my brain cells recently, among other things.

Get it started tomorrow! Prepare for your future and prepare for Batanes!


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