Sunday, August 22, 2010

Always Sanchōme no Yūhi [Always Sunset on Third Street] (Takashi Yamazaki, 2005)

Theatrical poster for Always Sanchōme no Yūhi

One of the two films that I managed to watched in Eiga Sai in the University of the Philippines Film Institute (Adarna) this year. 
I cannot recall when was the last time I really cried so much watching in a theatre. I don't want to start 'reviewing' the film because 
it will be really, really long, aside from the fact that I am not fond of 'posting' my reviews especially over the internet, so if you want 
to know more about this film or what do I think of it, just talk to me. But I have to say, I LOVED IT, STILL LOVING IT.

As for the tears, yes, it is a tearjerker film, but not in a corny, over-the-top, you-should-cry-to-get-your-time's-worth dramatization, 
just heartwarming. Piece of advise: if you have an emotional attachment to an artist or uh (hopefully not) a Japanese (not necessarily an artist) or a Japanese artist, or fine, just a person, you should WATCH THIS! for more torture in life, and who knows, you 
might set the record for the 'most tears cried night' of your life, after watching the movie. If you happen to achieve that moment, 
it is not the movie's fault anymore, it means you haven't moved on from something - something tragic, confusing, heartbreaking, ego-crushing, humiliating, and potentially and possibly, something beautiful. So, just be... just.

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