Thursday, November 17, 2011


Your stare gave away the sadness hidden
underneath the wooden armor you built single-handedly all these years.
Validated by a sense of security, coupled with a bit of curiosity,
a sudden tweak pinched you teasingly, 
lavished, you retorted. 

Read something into something, read up on nothing,
all of a sudden, you were deluged by a crisis of
mammoth proportions to eternity. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011



The promise of yesterday was fulfilled 
in a certain way that is enough to make
one grateful of keeping up every single day,
well, most days at least.

Too much pride I gave up on
those days that are now just a part of a particular cycle,
Too much joy I thought I could contain,
Too much love that is just too overwhelming,
for a heart that is not destined to be owned.

Though I meant every word I said,
swallowing them is not as hard as penetrating one's
humongous ego.

As you flip the leaves that are already dry,
hoping for better days, I smile.
The wind may come with great force next time,
but on that moment, it will be a friend
that would sweep all the dried leaves behind.

And so I flip as well,
while looking back from time to time.