Thursday, October 21, 2010


Stories continuously flow as if they belong in a grand narrative,
Villains become as real as they can ever be
because you play the role of a hero that
no action figure can can ever embody.
No action hero can ever embody.
No action hero.

Grandeur is not as elaborate as when you are the observer,
All you do is run and the more you feel trapped,
the more it becomes superficial.
You become superficial.

All of a sudden you're free.
Free as you can ever be.

Then, you wish to stay in total absurdity
and complete fantasy,
because in a world where you are not free,
where I am not free,
where reality's more real than it should be,
there is a higher probability 
of you bumping into me.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Morning Dew

Light touches the foggy reflection of the night that has been.
Witnessing such wonder seems to make recollections clearer in a morning 
that recognizes the coldness of the dawn,
the anxiety of the day, and the anticipation of the future.

Three months, two periods, one heartbeat, no recognition.
When doubt becomes a crucial spice that is easy to get used to,
and the overbearing silence of the trees is the only thing that puts you to sleep,
you long for the pain that you once knew,
but it will never come back for you.

Moving forward while counting backwards,
People come around, like the passersby that we all are.
Enticing as it may seem, you stay where you are
and fight the temptation to leave the roots that’s keeping you alive.
Standing still, hope is the only companion that you try to keep for so long.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Burning Nakamura

She was walking in a spinning misery of that place.
She didn't realize how agonizing it is to walk using her hands.

Numb as she may have been, her body still felt the chills
while destroying the little prince in me.

But my mind shouted in absolute ecstacy,
because I was burning the town in front of everybody.

Oh yea, I burned Nakamura, 
home to my wasted childhood and perverted enigma. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010



I will be projecting my latest work along with the whole experimental video class under Prof. Yason Banal - Bernal Gallery, University   of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City.